Camponotus floridanus Care Sheet

Scientific Name: Camponotus floridanus

Common Name: Florida Carpenter ant

Distribution: Southeastern United States, especially in the State of Florida

Queen size: 16-20 mm

Worker size: Majors and Minors can range from 5.5-12mm

Natural Habitat: Wooden structures such as fence poles are common nesting grounds. They tend to prefer to nest in dense woodlands.

Circadian Activity: Nocturnal.

Mating Flight: Primarily April - July

Queen Founding Method: Fully Claustral

Monogyne or Polygyne: Monogyne

Recommended Temperature: 81-85°F

Recommended Humidity:  40%-55%.  

Diet: Sugary liquids, spiders, crickets, and mealworms.

Hibernation: Not Required

Escape Barrier Methods: Fluon or olive Oil on a upside down surface create one of the best barriers.


Formicarium suggestion: Myrmecology Lab Formicarium’s